AuthorI'm Nelldra a real estate agent in Georgia. I would love to help you realize your real estate goals. ArchivesCategories |
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#1 Thing To Do When Buying A House5/16/2022 Hey everybody, it's me Nelldra with, "ForReal Estate" coming to you. I wanted to bring to you the number one thing you do when you are ready to buy a house. And that is talk to a loan officer. Now, if you have a trusted real estate agent like myself, that has a loan officer, you want to use your real estate agents loan officer. Sometimes people are like, "Well, my credit's not ready. I got little things that I need to do before I talk to a loan officer". No talk to the loan officer! Now, in fact, speaking to a loan officer can help you get your credit where it needs to be.
So step number #1, talk to a loan officer. Figure out how much you can afford. And that is the first step in purchasing a home. Thanks for tuning in with me on ForReal Estate.
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